Farina Valpolicella Wines


Farina Valpolicella wines are produced in the village of Pedemonte in Valpolicella Classico. Like most in the area, Farina is a family business producing wine from 45 hectares of vineyards, including two vineyards very important to their wine – Montefante and Montecorna.

Farina produce a great range of good value but high quality wine, from a lovely honeyed Prosecco, through a excellent Bardolino Rosado, the Appassilento series , Classico and Ripasso to their flagship Amarone; Classico and MonteFante.

Judged 2015 Italian Wine Producer of the Year at the International Wine & Spirits Show in London, Farina also won the best Indigenous Grape Variety Trophy for their 2010 Montefante Amarone. AJ was lucky enough to have a glass of Farina wine (Corte Conti Cavalli) on his arrival in Italy in September 2015, and the rest, as they say…..is history!


Bardolino Chiaretto

Valpolicella Class. Sup

Ripasso Montecorna

Foto bott. AMARONE DOCG 2012

Foto bott. Montefante no annata